2257 Statement
18 U.S.C. 2257 Record Keeping Requirements Compliance Statement
All models, actors, actresses and other persons that appear in any visual depiction of actual or simulated sexual conduct appearing or otherwise contained in or at www.admireme.vip were over the age of eighteen (18) years at the time of the creation of such depictions. With regard to the remaining depictions of actual sexual conduct appearing or otherwise contained in or at www.admireme.vip, the records required pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2257 and C.F.R. 75 are kept by the custodian of records listed below. All license agreements reflecting the location of the custodian of records for any material appearing at www.admireme.vip are kept by Kiwi Leisure Ltd, 7 The Watermark, Gateshead, NE11 9SY, UK
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